Lokopriya Gopinath Bordoloi Regional Institute of Mental Health (LGBRIMH) Assam, India

To provide equitable access to mental health care to all sections of society with effective linkages to the other health related institutions.

The Lokopriya Gopinath Bordoloi Regional Institute of Mental Health (LGBRIMH) was initially set up as Tezpur Lunatic Asylum under the British Government in April, 1876. In 1922 the hospital was rechristened as Tezpur Mental Hospital. With the progress in the field of psychiatry across the globe, steps were also taken to develop this hospital with modern facilities. Major construction activities were started in 1926. A private firm, “Zardine Menezes Co.,” was hired from Calcutta for undertaking the upgradation works. By the end of 1932 the hospital accommodation rose up to 700 beds. Most of the existing buildings in the Indoor section are of those times. With the increase in patient flow, a new Out-Patient Department (OPD) was built in 1987. In the following year, another two storied building was built to accommodate the increased number of patients. Subsequently, in 1989, the hospital was renamed as “Lokopriya Gopinath Bordoloi Institute of Mental Health”.

The Institute will be conducting a Walk in-interview  on 25.09.2023 through online/offline mode for the following posts of Senior Resident Doctors from 10.30 a.m. onwards in the conference hall, LGB RIMH, Tezpur.

Lokopriya Gopinath Bordoloi Regional Institute of Mental Health